This quote urges us to action to end procrastination. Closet shelves are notorious for getting overloaded and many of us are dealing with a burgeoning problem of clutter in our closet. I recently read somewhere that most women wear only 20% of their clothes 80% of the time. It would then be logical to de-clutter and get rid of some of the excess stuff, right? However, despite all our good intentions, we procrastinate and put off the de-cluttering. Just ‘wishing’ things around us were more organized does not help. It wastes our time and pulls us away from organizing and getting things done. As the saying goes, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Don’t we all remember Monica Geller from the hit sitcom “ Friends”. A "neat freak", Monica is obsessed about cleaning (she considers the dry cleaner as her Disneyland). In one episode it was revealed that she categorizes her towels into 11 sections, with examples being "Everyday use," "Fancy," "Guest," and "Fancy Guest." While most of us don’t really have to get so obsessive, it would certainly be helpful to begin with a well-organized closet.
Good housekeepers have an excellent habit of going through their wardrobe at least once a year and clearing out every closet and drawer. This reduces clutter and makes it easier to find the clothes we want. The decision to re-organize the closet is therapeutic and can make one feel empowered. Here are some of the things that will help us organize our closet.
Become a closet custodian
Become your own personal stylist and curate your wardrobe. Look closely into your closet and spot clothes that are old, that need small repairs, and that don’t fit. Cull the clothes that have run their purpose. It is very helpful if you categorize the clothes. First create a pile of old clothes (old, torn or unusable clothes) which should be disposed. The second pile would be the clothes you love (organize these in your closet) and lastly the undecided pile (clothes that have no room, and are still good, you will need to decide whether you want to keep them or give them away). You should strongly consider donating this third pile of clothes.
Increase closet space
Sometimes there is just not enough space for all our clothes. Creating a new space by investing in a new closet will help reduce the crowding in the existing one. Closet organization is a billion dollar industry and there are a large group of professionals who are thinking obsessively about how to make organizing a closet easier. Make use of handy storage units that maximize storage and look attractive. One could think of organizing certain types of clothes in this new space making it visually appealing.
Have matching hangars
Hangers come in all kinds of shapes, sizes, types, and materials. Buying hangars that are of the same color and size keeps the closet looking neat and organized
Accumulating clothes has become de-rigueur. Minimizing our wardrobe brings with it simplicity and a lightness of being. Take pride in your organized closet and let it become a conversation starter.